Fragmented Memories

“Who are we when we no longer exist, but the memories of those we have left behind?”

With a recurring fascination in what people choose to remember and hold onto throughout their lives and in turn what others remember when they think of us, Ziemons explores the significant events, the fleeting moments, the sadness and the conversations of her ancestors.

In both the exhibition and narrative textile collection Ziemons notes that there is often a disconnect between what we would want people to remember about us and our at times painful inability to control which moments hold significance to others.

The focus of Fragmented Memories resides within a quiet space in which Ziemons seeks to develop an understanding of the human connection to everyday cloth, mark and stains. How individuals can become ‘attached’ to the everyday object such as a handkerchief, a blouse, a broken piece of crockery and what is implicit within these pieces that gives rise to this level of deep connection when other objects and used pieces of cloth are tossed into the bin with little regard.


Walk with Me


Nomadic Nostalgia